We've been doing very well recently and are now at a stage where we really just need to start putting things into boxes. Everything is sorted out and our beautiful paint even arrived yesterday!
So instead of putting things into boxes we've decided to spend the day sorting out our music collections. While we are away it is vital that we have the right sort of music for our travels!
Don't worry - we're bringing the Blink! |
So now we're making sure we've got all the right music for when there is no internet and we have to depend on our own resources!
Nic and I don't have the same tastes in music, but luckily we do both like Blink-182 and the Pixies. So we will bring some of that.
It is also important that we bring some Freddy Mercury. Because he is awesome, and also because we will hopefully go to Zanzibar where he was born. But mainly
because Freddy Mercury is awesome.
I have also cleverly remembered that we will be away for Christmas, so am bringing 4 CDs of Christmas music. I think that should just about be enough.
This does mean that we quite often get Christmas carols pop up when the thing's on shuffle, but I feel that's a bonus. Nic is not so sure about this.
It isn't Christmas without these guys |
"You what??" |
I have also learnt that Nic is NOT an Eminem fan. He does not like him at all.
I didn't know this.
I have only added on Eminem album :)
Peace! |
Don forget your battery charger too!